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  • how do customers get to see my store how do they login
  • How long does a payment take to go through my PayPal?
  • I am having issues with PayPal going through and loading. I don't seem to have any problem with any other sites I go. Is there anything I can do so PP accepts you 100% of the time? The merchant told me to use another browser but I only have 1 and the issue only comes up when i go through Indie cart. I clean cookies and cache in my history and that sometimes helps. any other suggestion? Thanks a bunch!

  • Please help me, I have reached out numerous time to the help desk, I need to cancel close store, I have been trying since July 21st with no replies, I do not want to get charged for the upcoming month. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

  • So sorry for missing all of these messages!

    Firefly - you won't get charged for months you're not using the store. Payment only happens if you actively make a monthly payment. To delete your store, please log in to your account and go to the Store Settings >> Request changes menu.

    Prin5678 - sorry about the issues. Please let me know if you're still having them!

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