Open your own handmade shop! Set up my shop

Feb 04, 2016
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Remove items from stock if I manually change order status to "Paid"

I would love if once I changed an order's status from "New" to "Paid" if the system would then remove the items automatically from stock. Sometimes I have people who pay in person, or they've had a glitch completing an order so I've sent them a separate PayPal invoice, or I'm recording a sale I've made elsewhere (like from a Facebook bst). Instead of having to go to each item and manually remove it from the stock, it would be great if changing the order to "paid" removed the items for me.

Status: Open
Nov 13, 2015
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Longies Catergory for Cloth Diapering

Can you add Longies as a Subcategory to the Cloth Diapers Category. THe only option now for longies is clothing.

Status: Open
Oct 18, 2015
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More "Choices" on listings

I do custom baby carrier work and offer several customs options for customers, however, I have more than 6 for them to choose from carrier size/strap length/waist length/strap color/hood/applique/etc, etc, etc. I would love for this to either be unlimited or at least be able to put in 10 choices. Right now, I use Hyenacart for all of my instock and semi-custom listings, but I must use a different cart altogether to take custom orders. I would love to switch all of my sales to Hyenacart, but without the ability to list more options under the Choice menu, I can't.

Status: Open
Mar 20, 2015
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theres an app for that

A seller app would be soooo helpful!!! I take all of my pictures with my phone and an app would make listing my creations sooo much faster and easier. Thank you

Status: Open
Jul 06, 2014
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Free Shipping

I would like to see a feature added where FREE SHIPPING discount codes can only be used if customers purchase a certain dollar amount and I would also like to see the option where discount codes can only be used on qualifying products (i.e. FREE SHIPPING applies to diapers but not by-the-yard fabric). I am having too many problems with customers violating FREE SHIPPING qualifications since the codes work no matter what.

Status: Open
Jun 09, 2014
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Discount Codes on certain items

It is possible to make it so you can add a discount code to certain listings instead of everything?

Status: Open
Mar 01, 2014
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Creating Multiple Listings for Hold

I would like to be able to create a bunch of identical listings from "Hold" listings. It takes me hours to copy them hundreds of times. I'd like to be able to maybe click a box that says "create 8" of the listing.

Status: Open
Feb 05, 2014
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Ask for phone # with basic customer information

When shipping an international package via USPS it is now required to have a phone number. It would be helpful if this information was collected along with their name and address so I wouldn't have to e-mail to ask before I could ship their package. Thanks!

Status: Open
Feb 04, 2014
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Sending tracking number to buyer and automatic tracking

Wouldn't it be great if you could send the tracking number to the buyer and he can just click a ink and see where his item is at?

Status: Open
Jan 31, 2014
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Archive completed orders

It would be helpful to be able to archive orders that are completed and shipped so that I can easily see my outstanding orders that still need to be completed. I don't need to see a list of shipped orders anymore. I'd like to send them to someplace else and get them out of my way.

Status: Open
Jan 25, 2014
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Other background options

I would love to be able to upload my own photo or clipart to use as a background. The options that are available now are too limited and I have a really hard time matching a color to my products. Thanks!!

Status: Open
Dec 20, 2013
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How many views

Would love to be able to see home times a listing is viewed. You can see it on auctions but not buy it nows. Thanks!

Status: Open
Oct 19, 2013
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Print order option for congo items

I absolutely LOVE the new ability to print each order individually now on individual stores, but its not an option with congo orders, is this a possibility?

Status: Open
Oct 19, 2013
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Adding an easy way to track customer "loyalty" points

Adding in the option to add items for loyalty points, for example if a customer spends $5 they get 5 loyalty points for that HC store. Sellers get to choose whether the item is valid for loyalty points.

Status: Open
Oct 17, 2013
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Adding more font choices

I would love to have a more cursive or fancy font. I see that in the customization seller help, there is a way by entering code but it would be so much simpler if there were just more options in the drop down box where the font choices already are. I would really appreciate it!!

Status: Open
Oct 15, 2013
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Add more payment processing options

Please add more payment processing options like Wepay, Google Wallet, etc. Not everyone is able to use Paypal. Having more options allows more people to use Hyenacart and be able to have their own stores as well.

Status: Open
Aug 23, 2013
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Being able to see total # of orders and total revenue.

I would love to be able to see total number of orders and total revenue all in one spot.

Status: Open
Jun 12, 2013
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Add stocktype "Informational" for informational listings

These listings should show up without quantities, end times, prices, and would just contain information about the store.

Status: Open
Feb 05, 2013
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Is there any way to offer a rewards program to our customers? Such as, "Buy 5 diapers, get 1 free" and the system could track this in their account? If not, any tips on how to do this with another program outside of Hyenacart? Thanks!

Status: Open
Nov 22, 2012
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Navigation menu across the top

Can we make it easy to adjust the location of the navigation menu to horizontally along the top below the banner? The customize template page allows me to hide it, but I would really like a simple way to change the position of the menu. Thanks!

Status: Open
Nov 02, 2012
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Perhaps this feature is available already, but it would be extremely helpful to be able to print an invoice along with customer notes made at checkout, would be very helpful!
  1. Admin comment: OK -- re-opening this request until I can get to it :)

    Nov 26, 2012

Status: Open
Oct 08, 2012
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Add "Buy Now" option to auctions

Make it so that there is a start price, a BIN price and an expiration amount for the BIN for auctions.

Status: Open
Sep 25, 2012
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Need to Scroll Over on the Batch Edits

I cannot scroll horizontally on the batch edits so I am out of luck if it doesn't all fit on the screen. I can't see everything when I am trying to edit categories, for example. They don't all fit on the screen but I cannot scroll over to still be able to access all of the options. Can we add the scrolling please?

Status: Open
Aug 07, 2012
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Preview Store or Item before listing

I would like to be able to preview any custom HTML changes made to my store or my listings before I submit them to the site. A live preview would be helpful to know if the changes I made work or that I like them.

Status: Open
Jul 09, 2012
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Add Date for Preview

I would like to be able to set a date for when the previews show up in my store. I like to schedule stocking my store sometimes weeks in advance and it would be helpful to set the date when the next stockings previews show up. I dont like having items previewed in my store if the stocking date is more than a week away.

Status: Open
Jun 17, 2012
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Add SKU or Item Number

I would LOVE to be able to add an item number or sku number to my listings that only I can see. I have a number of items that are slightly different and being able to see the sku number when an order is placed would help to avoid mistakes when shipping and help manage my inventory. Thanks!

Status: Open
May 29, 2012
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tax information

It would be great if we could more easily figure out state federal tax information since the tax system is such a nightmare and writing code for excel to find out state tax is often beyond most people's skill set :) Or at the very least post the code for excel somewhere where people can get to it.

Status: Open
May 05, 2012
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pop up date box

I like to list all of my items with no end date but then once they sell I have to change the date to today's date. It would be nice if there was a box to click that would change it to today's date rather then have to input the year one number at a time and then the month and day.

Status: Open
Apr 21, 2012
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Instant Download for patterns

Please! Adding an instant download feature with purchase would be a lifesaver!

Status: Open
Apr 18, 2012
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Detailed Order History Download

Have the order history download ALL the ordered items from each invoice.

Status: Open
Mar 26, 2012
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On Sale feature

Add a feature that shows what the previous price was and what the "on sale" price is

Status: Open
Dec 13, 2011
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order history

it would be great if we could sort the orders in the order history by category.

Status: Open
Nov 29, 2011
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More Templates

I would love to more customize templates or make the css coding easier.

Status: Open
Nov 25, 2011
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More Options for Options :)

When adding options for an item it would be nice if we had an option for something OTHER than just the drop-down menu, or if people could select more than one thing from the drop down menu. For example, I sell fleece soakers. The drop down menu works well for the size, insert type, and style where they should only chose one thing, but I also have options for adding PUL, a pocket, ruffles, and elastic. I don't have room to put all of the options I have available and it looks really messy to have an additional four drop down menu's just saying "Yes (add $2.00)" and "No" If I put them all in the same drop down menu people can only select one of those options even though I can make them with ALL of those options. I hope I'm making some sense here! Thanks for everything your have done so far! I am loving all of the updates!!

Status: Open
Nov 24, 2011
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Option to Sort Spotted Items/Favorites

It would be helpful to be able to sort our favorited items by stocking time or end dates, or other variables instead of the default always being the order in which it was spotted. Similar on how we can sort search results. Just something that just occurred to me during the Black Friday madness! :)

Status: Open
Oct 24, 2011
Like +10 Dislike -3
No more than 1 stalker per login

Is there a way so only 1 person can be logged into a single account? I think it's crazy for 50 people to be logged into a single persons account to stalk a item.

Status: Open
Oct 17, 2011
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Allow buyers to pay in CANADIAN or AMERCIAN currency.

I have many Canadian customers and I really wish I could give them the options of paying in Canadian funds. This should be an option that the sellers could add or choose not to have available. On Etsy you can select right away if you are shopping in Cdn funds or American. As it is now, when you go to pay from hyenacart, you can only pay in paypal with US funds. Please make Cdn funds an option....thank you!!

Status: Open
Oct 09, 2011
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merchant services connection possible?

Would it be possible for sellers to have a connection to a merchant services account, like so that customers can checkout using that system, rather than getting confused by paypal? (I've had at least one check out, but not pay because they didn't realize it was possible to use a credit card without having an account).

Status: Open
Oct 07, 2011
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Split jewelry and accessories category

Right now this category has things like jewelry, bags, purses, ereader cases and scarves. Jewelry could be one category. Bags, purses and related items, wallets etc, could be one. Accessories could be its own. This could be scarves, socks, gloves etc

Status: Open
Oct 07, 2011
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The ability to have different catergories in the Gallery

The gallery is a great way for me to set up fabric options- I just wish I could separate things into different categories- ie.: Solid Minky, Print Minky, Cotton Prints, etc. Alternately, just increase the number of galleries each store can have and we can use a different gallery for each type.

Status: Open
Oct 06, 2011
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Definable Congo-wide Thumbnail sizes

Love the new ability to define a pic size within congo listings- would love even more to see this extended to the thumbnail pics that show up on the congo front page- so all vendors within a congo have the same size thumbnails!
  1. Admin comment: This would not be hard to do, but here's the hesitation: say you have a 1000px wide image being resized to a 125px thumbnail. That can be done by the browser, but it takes much longer to download that 1000px image than it would if the image were really 125px wide. That's not a big deal if there are just a few images on the page. But for the main page of a congo, there can be 50-60, even 100 thumbnails. If those are actually all large images being resized by the browser, the page will take *forever* to load. That's why there's never been html resizing of thumbnails for congos. I'm afraid sellers won't realize that is an issue. The way it is now forces sellers to resize their images nice and small for quick downloading by shoppers. Please comment further. Otherwise, I may close this request without fulfilling it.

    Oct 08, 2011

Status: Open
Oct 01, 2011
Like +19 Dislike -5
In stores, show what is spotted and how many times.

It would be nice, like on etsy, to be able to see how many people have spotted an item. Maybe even who like on etsy, but at least how many. Or like the little hearts that are on Ravelry.

Status: Open
Sep 18, 2011
Like +35 Dislike -0
Shipping intergration with USPS/UPS/FedEx

Shipping IPA

Status: Open
Sep 14, 2011
Like +18 Dislike -3
hide shopper count

Add the option for the seller to hide the text at the bottom of the page that discloses how many shoppers are in the store. True, having many shoppers present might induce someone to buy a one-of-a-kind item before anyone else does, but showing few shoppers just makes the store appear poorly.

Status: Open
Sep 14, 2011
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A customer referral system

I started a referral program on my shop. As of now I have to manage a spreadsheet on my computer with the person's name, referral code and email and any referrals that come in. Then I have to go create the coupon code that is the referral code, set up the 5% off for anyone using it. Then I have to pay close attention to every order to make sure I don't miss a referral, and cross check that it is actually a NEW customer. Something automated we could opt to use would be awesome!

Status: Open
Sep 13, 2011
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Please make feedback easier to find on each store

Unless you are quite familiar with the HC layout, finding feedback is a nightmare.

Status: Open

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What is indieCart

indieCart is a community of independent shops featuring handcrafted items for your family and home.

Where are the shoppers?

  1. inspiredbyfinn (2)
  2. DGFdesigns (2)
  3. winterludes (1)
  4. HomesteadEmpori... (1)
  5. MaplebrookBodyW... (1)

Recent Favorites

  1. Eagle 01 3D Wind Spinner
  2. Eagle 06 w/Flag 3D Wind Spinner
  3. Moon with Stars Stained Glass Sun Catcher
  4. Heart Stained Glass Sun Catcher
  5. 3D Wind Spinners